Friday, June 24, 2011

mamata buddha

images Mamata Banerjee today said mamata buddha. Buddha slams Mamata #39;drama#39; -
  • Buddha slams Mamata #39;drama#39; -

  • pappu
    07-18 02:14 PM

    Message from IV
    IV does not recommend any such actions.

    We are aware of the issue and if there is any acion item, we will post it.

    also be aware of what we posted earlier on this issue:

    wallpaper Buddha slams Mamata #39;drama#39; - mamata buddha. Mamata Banerjee in the firing
  • Mamata Banerjee in the firing

  • h1techSlave
    07-13 07:57 PM
    Thanks every body for explaining these things.

    And now, what can I do to get out of the "unknown quantity" with a grey square?


    mamata buddha. Bengal polls: Mamata announces
  • Bengal polls: Mamata announces

  • gc_on_demand
    06-12 09:55 AM
    Ask your company to fire you asap. The HR should anyways fire you and hire the US citizen.
    You should find another job asap.
    If you cannot, then leave the country. If you overstay you will be illegal.

    And if you are an anti-immigrant posting on this site to provoke people to tell you how to break the law. Then sorry bad luck. I have seen your websites with such posts. Stop coming to this site and try to malign law abiding people. Got it.

    If there is a counter american available for your job then you shoul leave that company and find another job if you cannot find then leave counrty. Bset of luck in your job search.

    2011 Mamata Banerjee in the firing mamata buddha. Mamta+sharma+singer+wiki
  • Mamta+sharma+singer+wiki

  • retropain
    09-01 11:08 AM
    What's particularly interesting is the number of 'scare words' used in this selected testimony on aspects of the CIR bill. Its a lot like Loo Dobbs "War" on the middle class. Its clear CIS, Nusa, FAIR provide the script to him on immigration matters. I knew Loo wasn't that creative in the first place


    SEPTEMBER 1, 2006

    Chairmen Sensenbrenner and Hostettler, Ranking Members Conyers and Jackson Lee, members of Congress, distinguished members of the panel, ladies and gentlemen. It is a distinct honor and privilege to provide testimony at this hearing because the topic of the hearing is of truly critical significance. We are here to avert what I believe would be a catastrophe for the United States. The United States Senate passed a bill, S. 2611, that would provide incentives for a massive influx of illegal aliens, aided, abetted and induced to violate our nation’s immigration laws at a time that our nation is confronting the continuing threat of terrorism and the increasing involvement of violent gangs, comprised predominantly of deportable aliens, in a wide variety of violent crimes committed against our nation’s citizens. It is of critical importance that this hearing and others like it, illuminate why S. 2611 would expose our nation to unreasonable vulnerabilities especially in the post-9/11 world.

    A nation’s primary responsibility is to provide for the safety and security of its citizens and yet, for reasons I cannot begin to fathom, the members of the Senate who voted for S. 2611 are seemingly oblivious to the lessons that the disastrous amnesty of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) should have taught us. That piece of legislation lead to the greatest influx of illegal aliens in the history of our nation. Fraud and a lack of integrity of the immigration system not only flooded our nation with illegal aliens who ran our borders, hoping that what had been billed as a “one time” amnesty would be repeated, but it also enabled a number of terrorists and many criminals to enter the United States and then embed themselves in the United States.

    A notable example of such a terrorist can be found in a review of the facts concerning Mahmud Abouhalima, a citizen of Egypt who entered the United States on a tourist visa, overstayed his authorized period of admission and then applied for amnesty under the agricultural worker provisions of IRCA. He succeeded in obtaining resident alien status through this process. During a 5 year period he drove a cab and had his license suspended numerous times for violations of law and ultimately demonstrated his appreciation for our nation’s generosity by participating in the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 that left 6 people dead, hundreds of people injured and an estimated one half billion dollars in damage inflicted, on that iconic, ill-fated complex. America had opened its doors to him so that he might participate in the “American Dream.” He turned that dream into our worst nightmare. The other terrorists who attacked our nation on subsequent attacks, including the attacks of September 11, 2001, similarly exploited our generosity, seeing in our nation’s kindness, weakness, gaming the immigration system to enter our country and then, hide in plain sight, among us.

    As I recall, when IRCA was proposed, one of the selling points was that along with amnesty for what was believed to have been a population of some 1.5 million illegal aliens would be a new approach to turn off what has been described as the “magnet” that draws the majority of illegal aliens into the United States in the first place, the prospect of securing employment in the United States. In order to accomplish this important goal, IRCA imposed penalties against those unscrupulous employers who knowingly hired illegal aliens. My former colleagues and I were pleased to see that under the employer sanctions of IRCA, the unscrupulous employers of illegal aliens would be made accountable, or so we thought. We were frustrated that we had seen all too many employers hire illegal aliens and treat them horrendously They paid them sub-standard wages and created unsafe, indeed hazardous working conditions for the illegal aliens they hired, knowing full well that these aliens would not complain because they feared being reported to the INS. Meanwhile the employer would not face any penalty for his outrageous conduct. Finally, it seemed that the employer sanctions provisions of IRCA would discourage employers from hiring illegal aliens and would also make it less likely they would treat their employees as miserably as some of these employers did.

    Of course, we now know that the relative handful of special agents who were assigned to conduct investigations of employers who hired illegal aliens made it unlikely that employers would face a significant risk of being caught violating these laws and that they would face an even smaller chance of being seriously fined. Furthermore, the way that the amnesty provisions of the law were enacted simply created a cottage industry of fraud document vendors who provided illegal aliens with counterfeit or altered identity documents and supporting documents to enable the illegal alien population to circumvent the immigration laws. Ultimately approximately 3.5 million illegal aliens emerged from the infamous shadows to participate in the amnesty program of 1986. I have never seen an explanation for the reason that more than twice as many aliens took advantage of the 1986 amnesty than was initially believed would but I believe that two factors came into play. It may well be that the number of illegal aliens in the country was underestimated. I also believe, however, that a large number of illegal aliens were able to gain entry into the United States long after the cutoff point and succeeded in making false claims that they had been present in the country for the requisite period of time.

    To put this in perspective, I have read various estimates about the number of illegal aliens who are currently present in the United States. These estimates range from a low of 12 million to a high of 20 million. If, for argument sake, we figure on a number of 15 million illegal aliens, or ten times the number that had been estimated prior to the amnesty of 1986, and if the same sort of under counting occurs and if a comparable percentage of aliens succeed in racing into the United States and making a false claims that they had been here for the necessary period of time to be eligible to participate in the amnesty program that the Reid-Kennedy provisions would reward illegal aliens with, then we might expect some 35 million illegal aliens will ultimately participate in this insane program. Once they become citizens they would then be eligible to file applications to bring their family members to the United States, flooding our nation with tens of millions of additional new lawful immigrations while our nation’s porous borders, visa waiver program and extreme lack of resources to enforce the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States would allow many millions of illegal aliens to continue to enter the United States in violation of law.

    The utterly inept and incompetent USCIS, which is now unable to carry out it’s most basic missions with even a modicum of integrity would undoubtedly disintegrate. The system would simply implode, crushed by the burden of its vicious cycle of attempting to deal with an ever increasing spiral of rampant fraud thereby encouraging still more fraudulent applications to be filed. Terrorists would not find gaming this system the least bit challenging and our government will have become their unwitting ally, providing them with official identity documents in false names and then, ultimately, providing them with the keys to the kingdom by conferring resident aliens status and then, United States citizenship upon those who would destroy our nation and slaughter our citizens.
    I hope that this doomsday scenario will not be permitted to play out.

    Insanity has been described as doing the same things the same way and expecting a different result. Where our nation’s security is concerned it would be indeed, insane to ignore the lessons of IRCA.

    When I was a boy my dad used to tell me that there were no mistakes in life, only lessons, provided we learn from what goes wrong and make the appropriate changes in the way we do things. However, to repeat the same mistakes was to him and to me, simply unforgivable.

    Chairmen Sensenbrenner and Hostettler, I commend your leadership in calling this hearing to make certain that these concerns are made public and are taken into account, especially as we approach the anniversary of the fifth anniversary of the attacks of September 11 and our nation continues to grapple with the immigration crisis.

    America is at historic crossroads at this moment in time. Courageous decisions need to be made by our nation’s leaders. If our nation fails to select the proper path, there will be no going back. If our nation decides to provide amnesty to millions of undocumented and illegal aliens, I fear that our national security will suffer irreparable harm as we aid and abet alien terrorists who seek to enter our country and embed themselves within it in preparation for the deadly attacks they would carry out. The priority must be clear, national security must be given the highest consideration and priority where the security of our nation’s borders and the integrity of the immigration system are concerned.


    mamata buddha. Mamata invited Buddhadeb to
  • Mamata invited Buddhadeb to

  • DDash
    09-23 04:44 PM
    Hi boreal,
    I had a problem with my wifes AP- they had not acted on it for 4 months I asked them to expedite it since we wanted to visit my father in law who was hospitalized for a medical condition- they did not respond to that request so I contacted my Senators office and asked if they could assist in this matter. They asked me for some medical documentation and faxed it to USCIS.. I noticed yesterday that her online status had changed to document mailed..we are still to get it but are optimistic that we should receive it soon.

    In the absence of any compelling circumstances though I am not sure how it would work. but I would definitely recommend contacting your Senators office.

    Thanks for this info. Would you mind sharing the fax number? Thanks in advance.

    mamata buddha. chief Mamata Banerjee
  • chief Mamata Banerjee

  • H1Girl
    10-13 03:05 PM
    But never a tie.

    Wrong... who said Tie is Not OK? Some officers wear Tie...


    mamata buddha. Amazing Budha Painting
  • Amazing Budha Painting

  • hoolahoous
    03-18 04:36 PM
    anyone ?

    2010 Bengal polls: Mamata announces mamata buddha. Mamata Banerjee today said
  • Mamata Banerjee today said

  • sanju
    04-15 04:03 PM
    This person abby is a member of anti-immigrant group. This person has just posted this message so that some one in their group can cut-paste this post into the lobby material of anti-h1b goup. This thread is actully not the fault of abby. So, rather than talking to abby I would like to say something to people who appear to be regular member of this forum.

    Dear senthil1,

    Do you have anything in the upper compartment of your head. I have seen your posts and you are always arguing for no reason. As if you are the only smart one around. Here you are playing right into the hands of an anti-immigrant. I beg you, please use your brains, atleast sometimes. Don't post just for the sake of posting. Idiot.


    mamata buddha. Mamata#39;s industries on paper: Buddha -
  • Mamata#39;s industries on paper: Buddha -

  • Appu
    04-02 10:31 PM
    So if (for example) an H1B worked in the US for a few weeks before their visa became available, are they technically eligible for this? Or perhaps they were out of status for a week or two between jobs? I'm sure many H1's might have been in this situation. It's unclear who this applies to.

    Yep, my thinking, exactly. Also, people going between F1 and H1 or between H1 and H4 could all claim a few weeks or months of "undocumented" status.

    I just read the Specter amendments to 2454 and I can't see where in 218D or 602 it says the alien must have been here illegally. Can someone quote that part? All I can see is this requirement in 601.

    `(1) PRESENCE; EMPLOYMENT.--The alien establishes that the alien--

    ``(A) was physically present in the United States before January 7, 2004; and

    ``(B) was employed in the United States before January 7, 2004, and has been employed in the United States since that date.

    That's right, it doesn't. I have enquired my lawyer about this. She'll get back to me on Tuesday. I will post more information then.

    hair Mamta+sharma+singer+wiki mamata buddha. mamata mohan das
  • mamata mohan das

  • nagio
    08-13 12:29 PM
    WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Friday signed into law a $600 million border security that will put more agents and equipment along the Mexican border.

    Link (


    mamata buddha. mamta mohandas feet.
  • mamta mohandas feet.

  • paskal
    08-16 08:40 PM
    hello WA members,

    we need to get this chapter up and running again.
    anyone still coordinating efforts?
    anyone interested in getting things going again?

    hot Mamata invited Buddhadeb to mamata buddha. expletives against Mamata
  • expletives against Mamata

  • zephyrr
    07-16 11:51 PM
    my attorney did not ask for w2 or tax return, my company uses berry, appleman and leiden,

    wonder why different attorneys have different requirements


    house Mamata#39;s industries on paper: mamata buddha. Mamata takhan dhornaay
  • Mamata takhan dhornaay

  • gcwait2007
    04-25 11:21 AM
    I can provide you part answer to your question regarding address change.

    Address change (AR-11) form can be filed electronically online. If you file electronically, the address change is effected with in a week's time in all records maximum and you can see soft LUD in all your records, if you have an online account with USCIS.

    If you choose to send paper based address change, the change is effected with in 3 months.

    tattoo chief Mamata Banerjee mamata buddha. Buddhadeb Attacks Mamata.
  • Buddhadeb Attacks Mamata.

  • chanduv23
    12-04 04:12 PM
    in BBC


    pictures Amazing Budha Painting mamata buddha. it is only Mamata Banerjee
  • it is only Mamata Banerjee

  • Appu
    04-17 06:13 PM
    This is no big deal. This has nothing to do with H1B's - its about CIR and minimum wage. Remember that Sen Kennedy is 100% behind the SJC and the Hagel-Martinez bills. Here's the email with additional details - I didn't post this before because it is somewhat partisan and attacks republicans.

    Dear [Appu],

    As you may have seen and heard in news reports, Senator Kennedy has been at the forefront of immigration reform. He's built a bipartisan coalition around a tough but fair approach to repairing our broken immigration system.

    On Monday hundreds of thousands of people in cities across the country joined together in a "National Day of Action for Immigrant Justice." In our nation's capital, more than 200,000 people gathered on the Mall. It was an amazing event, and the crowd went wild when Senator Kennedy took the stage and said "It is time for Americans to lift their voices now -- in pride for our immigrant past and in pride for our immigrant future. Are you with me?"

    Judging by the roar of the crowd, they are indeed with Senator Kennedy. Now you have a chance to show your support for this important measure -- and join the fight for justice for all working Americans:

    The facts are clear: 63% of Americans believe that immigrants who have lived in the country for a certain period of time should be able to go through the process of obtaining citizenship. But the out-of-touch Republican Congress wants instead to turn these would-be citizens into criminals. And any American who assists them in any way, even priests, would become criminals too.

    Republican leaders claim tough enforcement is all that's needed. That's preposterous. Senator Kennedy supports strong enforcement, too, but fairness is equally important.

    Republicans claim they value hard work. Where have they been during Senator Kennedy's efforts to raise the minimum wage for millions of hard-working Americans? What have they done to ensure every American worker has access to good health care? How have they protected Social Security for retired American workers?

    Enough is enough. Will you join us and fight to ensure that our country values hard work? Please answer with your signature:

    This year, more than 45,000 of you endorsed Senate Resolution 350, rejecting President Bush's assertion that he was authorized to spy on Americans without a warrant. You also stood with Senator Kennedy to fight for stem cell research that holds such great promise for millions suffering from debilitating diseases.

    We can't keep ignoring the worsening hardship for our nation's hardest working men and women. I hope you'll tell Senator Kennedy loud and clear you stand with him in this ongoing battle for all working families:

    Yours for a stronger and fairer America,

    Marty Walsh
    Campaign Manager
    Kennedy for Senate

    P.S. The full text of Senator Kennedy's speech at the immigration rally is on our website -- I hope you enjoy it:

    dresses expletives against Mamata mamata buddha. M.R. Venkatesh an economist
  • M.R. Venkatesh an economist

  • trueguy
    12-10 11:58 PM
    This system is completely broken. USCIS don't realize that people in EB3 from 2001 have gained more experience and they are more valuable to their country, rather than those fresh graduates and PhDs who are applying in EB2 and EB1 category.

    We must do something to remove country cap and increase annual quota otherwise there is no hope for India and China.


    makeup Mamata#39;s industries on paper: Buddha - mamata buddha. Mamata#39;s industries on paper:
  • Mamata#39;s industries on paper:

  • ajju
    10-15 02:21 PM
    agree.. 90 days is too much.. esp when just dates need to be extended.. In the first place.. it should be non-expiring .. something like valid with I-485 Receipt... and then when accepting EAD employer can check the I-485 status that its still pending... and any change will send email to the employer about 485 current status...

    But then my dear.. where's the money...

    Guess people can't even take PUN any more... Got negative and abusive remarks for this.. atleast have guts/courtesy to leave name/handle...

    girlfriend Buddhadeb Attacks Mamata. mamata buddha. Buddhababu: More Sinned
  • Buddhababu: More Sinned

  • chanduv23
    03-27 09:52 AM
    My wife is currently on a H1b doing her residency. When she was on h4, she wanted to do research or observership on a voluntary basis so that she can get some good letters and also have her name on papers and journals.

    She got into a research position as a "research volunteer" at Emory University in Atlanta and was an unpaid volunteer. After getting into that position she figured out that the department was actually advertising for that position for a "research assistant" position - which is a salaried position but they could not really find people to fill that position and because they found her promising and did not want to lose her, they offered her a research position.

    Without her knowledge she was a regular worker and was dumped with regular work like a paid employee (though she was not paid). They stressed her out and not flexible with hours and never allowed her to study for USMLE etc... and were expecting her to continue that way for 3 months she worked and worked. So I interfered and stopped her from going there, and we wrote a strong letter to the Head of Cardiology at Emory, who got pissed off because she was not aware that the position was not being paid and the department did not officially want to acknowledge that they did it. So they called her to the department and "WARNED" her not to have any kind of communication and not to step into the department or talk to anyone for any reason. We got pissed and we strongly requested for a "Research Experience Letter" which they told they will mail us. We never recieved any mail for 3 months and then one day we called heer superior doctor and blasted her on phone and she in turn blasted us saying we must not call her. Then after a few weeks, we emailed the department politely asking for a experience letter and pleaded them and used a lot of sugar coated words with a lot of A** Ki***" and finally we got a decent letter. Then after a few weeks, the department sent her an email asking her if she still wants her name to be on a paper she worked on, she replied she wanted to. Then they responded that it is not possible to have her name as she was never working there and in future there must not be any communication from us.

    The reason I wrote all this is : Most of you people seem to be desperate to work around the system for your benefit. As people do it, it becomes a mess.
    Ours was a genuine case and see how an organization like Emory can do whatever they want for their advantage.

    So it all depends on the kind of people you deal with - if you want to work on h4 just for sake of experience - expect the unexpected.

    Most skilled immigrants are capable of doing great work if allowed to do but we are unable to do it , and organizations that break rules (Desi consultants or Microsoft or Emory or anyone for that sake) - will have only one motive - to exploit your skill and get the work done. In case of any issues, they will "scapegoat you" and make themselves look clean. So think twice before get attracted to breaking rules.

    hairstyles mamta mohandas feet. mamata buddha. Achievements of Mamata
  • Achievements of Mamata

  • cox
    November 26th, 2005, 08:16 PM
    Thanks, Henrik! I think I have some way to go before I'm doing gallery quality macro like Gary, but I appreciate the complement. I like the dark one too.

    Anybody went for H1 Visa Stamping at Matamoros, Mexico Lately. [Archive] - Immigration Voice

    View Full Version : Anybody went for H1 Visa Stamping at Matamoros, Mexico Lately.

    12-12 03:39 PM
    No questions asked about visa or 485. Just had to show my passport and AP document :)

    Thanks for the response. My wife has started working on EAD. So when she comes back, will she have to enter on AP? And as you said, they would not ask for I-485 receipts...Correct? I don't have I-485 receipts and I am just scared that if they ask for it, and I don't have it, then what happens...

    Do you know of someone who was asked for the I-485 receipts on their way back?

    07-20 08:27 AM

    IMHO, do not sacrifice the career (either yours or your wife's) for the sake of GC .... the amount of money and experience that you stand to lose by not progressing in the career is very difficult to recoup after you get your GC. In this economy, more experience you gather, better will be your chances of securing a higher position and income. I always chose career over GC ... which delayed my GC by about 5 years, but the extra income and experience have more than made up for it ...

    The good news is that you have an approved I-140, so you have a priority date that you can always use irrespective of type of application and/or sponsor (which means, you can file for a new I-140 based on your new job but with the old priority date). Do ask your new employer if they are open to file in EB-2 within one year of your employment based on your performance on the job.

    The fall back option in terms of your wife's career is dicey to count on in this economy, IMHO. Your H1-B is a better fallback option while your GC is pending....just my 2-cents! Good luck! :)

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