Thursday, June 9, 2011

bethany hamilton shark

bethany hamilton shark. Bethany Hamilton surfing after
  • Bethany Hamilton surfing after

  • arihant
    04-12 05:00 PM
    I whole heartedly agree that labor substitution elimination makes sense. However, the 45 day proposal built into this rule can be disasterous. I just posted my experience with the 45 day letter from BEC in another thread.

    Basically, BEC sent the 45 day letter on March 7th, and my lawyer received it on March 14th. However, it was not brought to the attention of my HR until Apr 10th. A delay of almost a month. When we only have a month and a half to deal with it, such a delay may be disasterous. Granted, that the fault lies entirely with my lawyer, but it just goes to prove that 45 days is too short for something so important! Any number of reasons can create a delay of a few weeks.

    If they want to put a limit on it, why don't they set to it to a more reasonable period such as 6 months, or a year. It will be really bad if, after waiting for years for Labor to clear, people are denied GC because they did not apply for the next step within 45 days!

    bethany hamilton shark. Bethany, right, I#39;m looking at
  • Bethany, right, I#39;m looking at

  • Suva
    04-17 01:43 PM
    Hello Frnds,
    I would like to share some important information regarding AINP.

    AINP Strategic recruiteement stream -U.S Visa holder is open.I directly spoke to the immigration officer.The only change is they are revising the NOC List thats it.I donno why people place messages with Half Knowledge.see u r Noc is in the below URL


    OP already mentioned the change was expected in the NOC list [On-Demand occupation list of Alberta]. Nobody told it would be closed after April 15. Did you see all the postings here before blaming others?

    bethany hamilton shark. surfer Bethany Hamilton,
  • surfer Bethany Hamilton,

  • shana04
    07-21 09:05 AM
    Friends / Gurus,

    Please advice or suggest.

    Here is my situation, filed I 485 in July 2007 and No FP done.

    Called USCIS in Mar 2008 and opened a SR and got SR for my self in hard copy and an email for my wife that some one contacted about your case for FP and a notice will be mailed to with specific time and date.

    And I waited this long and no notice has arrived for me and dates are current in Aug 2008.

    Today (July 21 2008) I called USCIS and used the following menus.
    2-6-1-(Enter Receipt Number)-1-1-3-1

    And a representative has greeted very well and asked bunch of questions and asked to answer yes or no (no details just yes or no)

    Then she said as the Background Clearance has not been done for my case, they would not send the FP. And to open a SR I have to wait at least 441 days from Receipt date of I485 to open SR.

    When I asked about my wife's case, she replied the same in no FP has done then probably she has not got her background clearance yet. so need to wait for 441 days for her case too.

    Then I said my dates are current and if no FP done then I would loose my chance and she replied that until background clearance is done no FP will be sent and they would not touch the case until then.

    Friends / Gurus, any advice or please let me know how to follow up on this. I do not want to loose this opportunity.

    Thanks in advance.

    bethany hamilton shark. Bethany Hamilton, 14, lost an
  • Bethany Hamilton, 14, lost an

  • ilikekilo
    04-19 05:21 PM
    Hi Folks,

    My fiancee is a MS student and currently has student loan in India being charged at 13.5%. I am wondering if there is any loan that i can get here with a lower interest rate to repay off the one in india.
    I would appreciate any pointers or suggestions here.

    try this

    not sure what your situation is with credit cards, I mean, what is the amount of credit limit you ahve.

    watch out for the offes inthe mail for LIFE TIME balance transfers. generally you could call them and negotiate the APR they offer, based on my experience.

    BUt keep in mind, b4 U jump in to all this banks here CAN rescind the offer anytime for any reason (when you are late even one month, etc) although there was a law that has passed recently by Obamas administration that they gave more protection to consumers.

    lastly crunch some numbers, i know 13 % is high but at the same time its in Rupees Vs Dollars, so do some number crunching of intersest payment in dollards Vs rupees...good luck


    bethany hamilton shark. about Bethany Hamilton.
  • about Bethany Hamilton.

  • saibalagi
    01-02 01:21 PM
    Hi Vallabhu,
    Sorry to hear you.
    Pease try this edu.eval guys could help, my friend also appeal using their edu.eval

    Hope this can work it out.

    bethany hamilton shark. by Bethany Hamilton who
  • by Bethany Hamilton who

  • paskal
    12-21 11:12 AM
    hope to have the calls set up soon
    details will be posted here
    will try to pm all responders too
    plesae do check this thread in the coming days
    please also continue to post here if you are interested in joining in



    bethany hamilton shark. survivor Bethany Hamilton
  • survivor Bethany Hamilton

  • BigMouth
    12-11 07:43 AM
    guys, do u see any issues/problems on Landing Canada while pending 485 and coming back on AP.

    I have my valid H1b renewed but visa expired on my passport and my spouse has valid AP. I heard that there is a problem on US immigration process if you have Canadian PR during your 485 pending?? IS anybody gone thourgh in this situation???

    bethany hamilton shark. Bethanyhamilton
  • Bethanyhamilton

  • diptam
    10-13 03:16 PM
    Just Kidding - as long as you are wearing decent clothes no one should reject your visa (which otherwise should have been approved) for wearing a jeans or for not wearing formal dress.

    But when someone created a thread for this - let me share "one dress" people shouldn't wear.- this is something you would want to avoid, this was told to me 9yrs back when i first came to this country and appeared for Interview first time.

    That dress is - "Red Shirt"

    Hope this helps !


    bethany hamilton shark. surfer Bethany Hamilton.
  • surfer Bethany Hamilton.

  • eb3retro
    02-24 03:49 PM
    To whom it may concern, please, help us. Everything we ever learned from the U.S. about truth and justice is suddenly being deprived of any meaning by the U.S. itself. The hardest part for us is believing that everything we�ve based our lives on � the American way, has no merit.

    I was deported from the United States of America on February 18, 2005. I lived there nearly 30 years since I was 20 months old, when my mother crossed the Rio Grande into the country with me illegally. I was given an opportunity to become legal under the NACARA law but was to afraid of being deported like Maricela Soza was under the same law and didn�t go through with the entire process. I have both a husband and a son who are U.S. citizens but I am permanently prohibited by Immigration law from immigrating to the United States, while at the same time I am allowed to visit. Due to my drug convictions amounting to possession of more than one count of 30 grams of marijuana. It�s Immigration law�s contradicting policies which I find disturbing.

    U.S. Immigration is concerned with their citizens� welfare but it is denying my husband�s and my son�s requests to have me back by their side for good. Although Immigration law will value my wish to receive admission into the United States. Needless to say I prefer returning, immigrating and remaining in the country by my family�s side. That�s not taking into account the fact that I am still homesick and continue experiencing culture shock in Nicaragua. What the Department of Homeland Security is doing to my family and I is cruel, inhumane and unpatriotic. No free country�s government has any business deciding how families should be formed or whose personal choice is agreeable or not. Like that of my son�s and husband�s choice to overlook my shortcomings and begin our lives over together again.

    The 212(d)(3) Waiver allows a visitor�s visa into the U.S. to be issued to an Alien like me if I show evidence of rehabilitation such as becoming a practicing professional with a U.S. job offer. Sometimes with lone proof of a bank savings account, school registration and satisfactory travel record. On the other hand there isn�t one waiver available for United States Citizens who wish to rebuild their lives with an Alien deported for any drug charge(s) of possession of more than one count of 30 grams of marijuana. Not only are Andrew�s(my son) and Thomas�(my husband) needs being ignored but my needs are being placed before their own. An act I dare name TREASON.

    How much more is the United States citizens� welfare secured if an Alien with an undesirable drug history enters the United States merely to visit and not to immigrate? Shouldn�t all United States citizens� needs and rights within and from their country � such as my husband�s and my son�s, come before any Alien�s need or right to receive admission into the U.S., including my own? Also, shouldn�t Family-Based Immigration take first place over �Alien travel� for any reason?

    I regret to say it�s these types of injustices with devastating consequences to the recipient�s and his/her immediate relatives� personal lives remaining raveled, much more unacknowledged that play a large role in the cause for conflict concerning disloyalty and unpopularity among U.S. citizens and foreign nationals inside and outside of the United States. I trust that once this oversight is brought to DHS�s attention they will not knowingly continue punishing my husband and my son for loving me, an Alien who once stumbled while attempting to survive in the U.S.. I�m afraid to imagine how many individuals involved in cases like my family�s and mine go on thinking that the U.S. is a bad country for having the audacity to pass judgment on them. I�ve had to believe there�s a glitch somewhere in immigration law caused by simple human error. I can�t accept that the U.S. I grew to know as a loving, Christian country with caring values is intentionally causing my loved ones and I grief. It goes without saying that as much as the United States has a duty to protect its citizens it also has a duty to be equally diplomatic toward foreigners and not continue persecuting the one or the other long after any condemning sentence has been exacted and executed. I know the United States of America will do right by my son, my husband, me, and the rest of its citizens and foreign nationals in our predicament.

    We want the 212(d)(3) Non-Immigrant Visas Waiver made into an Immigrant Visas Waiver for Immediate Relatives of U.S. Citizens to make sure United States citizens receive competent protection from the Department of Homeland Security and adequate protection from the United States of America. I believe a Waiver should be available to me for my deportation charge including possession of more than one count of 30 grams of marijuana so my husband and son can claim me and I can immigrate to the U.S.. But immigration law only makes such a Waiver available to Foreign Nationals who wish to travel to the U.S.(and who also have the same charge as me: deportation including possession of more than one count of 30 grams of marijuana). My husband�s and my son�s Freedom Of Belief civil liberty is being violated because their belief is being discriminated against. I am not able to immigrate to the U.S. because immigration law doesn�t allow me a Waiver enabling my husband or son to claim me successfully. If I had a Waiver available to me they wouldn�t have to be at this crossroads making their case public in the courts, therefore their Right To Privacy is also being violated as a result of their belief being discriminated against. Please, help bring justice to these afflicted, we need your input. How should we proceed?

    crap..who are you.???

    bethany hamilton shark. Bethany Hamilton
  • Bethany Hamilton

  • permfiling
    10-27 08:06 PM
    Myself and spouse received I797 , 485 approval notices with one on 10/15 and another on 10/18. I took infopass and had the I551 stamping. I guess now the wait starts for the physical cards. I heard that they are produced in batches so that would cause the delay


    bethany hamilton shark. Bethany Hamilton |Beautiful
  • Bethany Hamilton |Beautiful

  • Joozz
    09-21 09:50 AM
    Or may be the fact that they gave me new visa in the embassy means that everything fine with that extension?

    bethany hamilton shark. surfer Bethany Hamilton
  • surfer Bethany Hamilton

  • fromnaija
    07-11 03:24 PM
    If you file 485 based on your previous approved 140, you are compelled to go back to your previous employer when your GC is approved.

    So the options you have are:

    1. File 485 based on previously approved 140. If approved within 180 days, go back to previous employer otherwise use AC21 to change employer to current employer. This presumes that your former employer is willing to continue support of your GC.

    2. You could file 485 based on unapproved 140 since concurrent filing is still allowed.

    The choice is yours.


    bethany hamilton shark. Bethany Hamilton
  • Bethany Hamilton

  • pappu
    03-17 03:55 PM

    Teleconference Recap: FOIA: How Is It Working For You?

    On December 6, 2010, the Ombudsman's Office hosted a public teleconference on "FOIA: How Is It Working for You?" where the Ombudsman's Office interviewed Terry Sloan, Acting Center Director, National Records Center and Jill Eggleston, the Assistant Center Director ofFreedom of Information Act (FOIA) Operations for the National Records Center at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

    Inquiries to the Ombudsman's Office have identified FOIA requests as an area where the public continues to experience frustration in relation to citizenship and immigration services. Please direct any inquiries related to the topics raised in this teleconference to Margaret Gleason, Senior Advisor to the Ombudsman, at If you have a concern with your USCIS FOIA request and have been unable to resolve the issue with USCIS, the Ombudsman's Office may be able to help.
    Freedom of Information Act

    Under the FOIA statute, "any person" may request documents from a U.S. government agency. This applies to both U.S. citizens and to citizens of foreign countries. The law allows 20 business days for response to a FOIA request. USCIS has been unable to make that deadline to date, although processing has improved in the past few years. Agencies may withhold information from a FOIA requester under certain exemptions. The law does not allow an agency to withhold information for other reasons, such as possible embarrassment to the agency.
    USCIS Processing of FOIA Requests

    USCIS FOIA processing is consolidated at the National Records Center (NRC). Prior to 2005, FOIA requests were decentralized, and could be handled on the local level by USCIS. In FY 2006, USCIS had a backlog of more than 88,000 FOIA requests. Jill Eggleston reported in the teleconference that in FY 2010 the backlog was down to 8,000 cases.

    There are currently 120 NRC employees, with 30 more new employees authorized for hiring in 2011. Ms. Eggleston informed teleconference participants that current USCIS processing times for FOIA requests vary according to the type of request and that USCIS sorts FOIA requests into three separate tracks. Ms Eggleston also noted the processing time for each type of request.

    * Track One FOIA Requests, or simple document requests, are those that request only a specific document, such as a copy of a particular immigration petition.
    Processing time: 43 working days
    * Track Two FOIA Requests are those where an entire file is requested.
    Processing time: 34 working days
    * Track Three FOIA Requests are those requests where the individual has a pending hearing scheduled before the Immigration Court.
    Processing time: 59 working days

    In the FOIA Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2009, the processing times published for USCIS show an average processing time of 215 business days for Track One FOIA requests, 344 business days for Track Two FOIA requests, and an average of 60 business days for Track Three FOIA Requests.
    USCIS FOIA Process

    As stated on the teleconference, FOIA requests to USCIS can be made with a Form G-639 (PDF - 2 pages, 100 KB) or by written request submitted by mail to USCIS NRC, P.O. Box 648010, Lee's Summit, Mo. 64064-8010; or by fax to 816-350-5785. Most FOIA requests are free, but if fees exceed $25, the requester will be notified in advance of such a charge. Ms. Eggleston stated that a web-based request system would be established in the near future and will be rolled out in two phases: Phase One will be for media requests, while Phase Two will be for all other requests. Currently, the status of a FOIA request can be checked with an NRC receipt number through the FOIA link on USCIS Home Page (

    Appeals of USCIS FOIA denials or material withheld under FOIA exemptions may be filed to USCIS FOIA Appeals, 150 Space Center Loop, Lee's Summit, Mo. 64064-2139.

    As noted in the teleconference, more information on filing FOIA requests with other Department of Homeland Security components, such as U.S. Customs and Border Protection or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, is available at DHS | Freedom of Information Act & Privacy Act (
    Expedite Criteria

    By regulation, there are narrow expedite criteria that may allow a requester priority to receive a FOIA response. Expedites will only be granted for cases that present an imminent threat to life or safety requiring the FOIA response, or where there is an urgency to inform the public.

    Overall, FOIA requests are handled on a first-come, first-served basis, which is only differentiated based on the three tracks described above, or the occasional expedite case.
    Teleconference Questions

    In response to questions from callers on the teleconference, Ms. Eggleston stated that certain information is required with a FOIA request to verify identity including name, address, date of birth, and place of birth. Without this information, a FOIA request is incomplete. If information in a file is incorrect, a Form G-639 (PDF - 2 pages, 100 KB) can be used to correct information under the Privacy Act. Another caller asked if USCIS could retrieve an envelope with a postmark from a particular file under FOIA. This documentation might be needed to support an application for adjustment of status under . Ms. Eggleston stated that there is a separate receipt file where payments to USCIS are recorded. If a receipt is requested, the FOIA request should specify that the NRC should search the alien's receipt file.

    If records are requested on behalf of a child, Ms. Eggleston stated that names of parents will be requested, and USCIS may ask for proof of parent or guardian relationship before sending information to that party.

    Ms. Eggleston said that sometimes in denying FOIA requests for persons with final removal orders, USCIS invokes the 'fugitive disentitlement doctrine' under Meddah v. Reno, No. 98-1444, (E.D. Pa. Dec. 8, 1998). She also said that her office may refer such FOIA requests to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE

    bethany hamilton shark. Bethany Hamilton is coming to
  • Bethany Hamilton is coming to

  • voldemar
    03-27 08:30 AM
    you can volunteer for your future employer as long as there is no financial transactions involved.Then you are replacing american guy.


    bethany hamilton shark. Hawaiian Bethany Hamilton
  • Hawaiian Bethany Hamilton

  • diwa209
    07-21 03:02 PM
    thanks for the post.. on your point below -
    3. Spouse in USA as your dependent ( i.e. H4 etc.)
    he/she will be 'out of status' as soon as your GC is approved. Inspected by an immigration agent at entry point. Not on parole. You can file 485 under [Section 245(K)] within 180 days. No special processing. NO fines.

    doesnt my PD have to be current for me to apply for her 485? What if the PD is not current at the time after my approval?! I will not be able to apply for her 485?

    My guess(Only a guess!, as you can tell from my no. of posts) is that if the primary applicants priority date is not current, the spouse will not be allowed to apply for I-485 and hence will become "out of status" as soon as the I-485 is approved. Good, if the dates become current(and you do apply for spouses I-485) within 180 days as we are protected under 245(K). Otherwise only option is for spouse to leave. I am not sure what happens after that.

    My assumption is based on the fact that if INS does not allow for spouses I-485 to be filed as soon as she enters the country on H4 anyway, why would they allow her to apply after approval.
    If this is correct then its a 'gotcha'.

    1) Should the spouse go to the home country and file a 'Follow to join' ?(on basis of marriage before approval)
    2) Can a spouse file a 'Follow to join' before leaving the home country to join primary applicant in H4, anyway (even though I-485 is not approved at that time). Just to be one step ahead, and anticipating this situation?

    3) Are there any other options?

    Can a senior member please clarify?

    bethany hamilton shark. Bethany Hamilton
  • Bethany Hamilton

  • AirWaterandGC
    05-15 12:04 AM
    I have repeatedly said that is not about any one person's GC. Count on me to be with IV even when I get mine. Its the fight for justice.


    bethany hamilton shark. Bethany Hamilton is a
  • Bethany Hamilton is a

  • maine_gc
    04-20 02:00 PM
    I-94 also does not have the date written

    bethany hamilton shark. Bethany Hamilton is
  • Bethany Hamilton is

  • quizzer
    02-25 11:38 PM
    I would like to ask the same question but a bit more specific.

    For someone who is an MBA (Finance) with 7-8 yrs of Financial and HR benefits experience who wants to move to IT or IT related field what would you advice would be the best field to move to or best certification to take ?


    SAP or Oracle Financials and HRMS

    I would suggest you to go with Oracle Apps since they are strong in these 2 domains.

    bethany hamilton shark. victim Bethany Hamilton is
  • victim Bethany Hamilton is

  • guyfromsg
    07-19 05:41 PM
    Thanks for ur reply..anyone else has any input on this??

    From Greg's blog

    >>greg, i filed today and tx has jurisdiction over my area but i sent it to nebraska....will that cause a delay or will it be bad for my file?<<

    You should be fine. You have your choice up until month's end.

    06-06 03:50 PM
    The Guidlines one and the Family Guy monkey are my favorites cause they make me laugh.


    07-09 12:55 PM
    Lot of our friends are waiting from 1998... Please wait, your turn will come.:o

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